Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Step Forward

31 December, 2013

As I begin to pen this yearly review, I'm not quite sure what it should contain. In fact, I almost didn't write this one. I felt that I had nothing new to say. For 2013 was a slightly strange year that has left me confused. But then, much like some of the instinctive steps that I took in the uncaring blind, I have to write on. I have to go along with the flow of my heart. The writer in me doesn't allow me to stop.

Despite the fact that my (bad) luck remained largely unchanged through the year, a wave of optimism has swept through me. I don't know where it came from. I don't recognize the winds that brought it to me. Perhaps it has its roots in the knowledge that my time must come. Perhaps it emanates from the wonderful people around me. Whatever the genesis, I'm glad. Years of pessimism, phew! I had grown tired of it all. It might just be the year that woke me up.

At work, the year was split into two equal halves. The first half, the culmination of an immensely enjoyable stint at Amazon, was hard to say the least. But it was hard in a good way. To bid goodbye to my team, to the people I worked with, to the people who contributed so much to my growth was equally tough. But then, you have to keep walking. The second half, almost a throw back to my pre-Amazon work days in a startup, was more than exciting. The path is still far from clear, but that's part of the fun I guess.

On the personal front, a lot happened. Much as I want to, I cannot say that all of it was happy. I shall let it pass for now...

Outside of personal boundaries, much of what transpired in the country has been encouraging. Not least was the rise of the Aam Aadmi Party in New Delhi. Much as we want to debate and critique them, this is not the time for that. This is the time to give them space to perform. Whatever happens, they have shown that - given the will - one can make a difference.

On a lighter note, among one of the more silly things that I did this year was to watch a movie in the theatres every (yes, each and every) week - every Friday to be precise! It was difficult to keep at it every week, more so during those days when there wasn't any good movie on show. But then for a person who is fond of story telling, it was a good thing as I ended up viewing (some excellent) films that I otherwise may not have seen. (For those who are thinking whether I was jobless enough to make a list of the movies I saw: I did!)

Grand plans and surreal dreams line up in the depths of my heart and mind. Every day, every minute that I have thrown away by not pursuing those dreams is a lost opportunity. But the shift in momentum is palpable. I can see the beginnings of something golden. And as I pause to think of that, I get a feeling that perhaps this is where my optimism stems from.

2013 was a step forward in many ways. A step forward in the direction of my dreams, a step with hope, a  step away from the shores of comfort. Not everything went my way, many things didn't. But it is inevitable to lose a few battles in the quest for your dreams. Bigger battles are waiting to be won.

And so I go on, one step at a time. 2013 was a step forward. Yet I know that it was just a step; I have miles to go. 2014 is the year when it will all come together, I'm sure!

And yes, my next book is nearly complete, and should be on it's way to publication very soon. I know that you can't wait to read it!

Misty Reflections